গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার

জাতীয় ক্যান্সার গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট ও হাসপাতাল


মহাখালী, ঢাকা-১২১২

Department of Haematology



The aim of this department is to provide hematological services, both clinical and diagnostic, at tertiary level to the patients suffering mainly from hematological malignancy and related disorders, and to help developing human resource in hematology. The department is run by a full set of hematologists that includes one Professor, two Assistant Professors, and other supporting officers and staffs. The department provides both clinical services concerned mainly with the management of hematological oncology and related disorders, and hematological laboratory services that support the diagnostic needs of the institute. The clinical services are delivered through in-patient and outpatient departments, and day-care services. The future plan of this department is to start post-graduate training programme, run post-graduate course in Hemato-oncology and to set up a BMT unit in an effort to make NICRH a 'Center of Excellence'.

Departments Our Faculty

Dr. A.K.M Mynul Islam

Head & Associate Professor

Department: Haematology

Dr. A.K.M Mynul Islam

Dr. Fatema Ahmed

Associate Professor

Department: Haematology

Dr. Fatema Ahmed

Dr. Selina Hoque

Assistant Professor

Department: Haematology

Dr. Selina Hoque

Dr. Mohammed Murad Hossain

Assistant Professor

Department: Haematology

Dr. Mohammed Murad Hossain

Other Departments

Contact us

  • National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH)
  • Address: Mohakhali, TB Gate Road Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Phone: (+88)027913975, (+88)027914409
  • Fax: +88466554654
  • Email: info@nicrh.gov.bd
  • Website: www.nicrh.gov.bd