গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার

জাতীয় ক্যান্সার গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট ও হাসপাতাল


মহাখালী, ঢাকা-১২১২

Department of Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Welcome to Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (PHO) Department of National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital (NICRH). The journey of this department has begun in 2008. This
is an academically oriented department which is committed to provide modern and specialized care to children with cancer, training to the doctors and nurses.
Children those are suffering from childhood malignancies are referred from all parts of the country to this department. Numbers of  treatment seeking patients are increasing day by day. Even parents of children with cancer from remote area of the country are coming now without referral.
Activities of the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Department -
1. To provide the accurate and modern effective cancer management for children by a team
of specialists.
2. To deliver care in a good environment that promotes the physical, emotional and spiritual
wellbeing of children and their families.
3. To do excellence in research and education.
4. To create awareness among people and health professionals about childhood
Service of Paediatric Haematology & Oncology department:
1. Outdoor service: We confirm diagnosis of malignancies in children at OPD. Those who
completed treatment and under treatment they come OPD for follow up.
2. Indoor service: We give chemotherapy under strict supervision and also provide total care
of the patients including nutrition and other general management.
3. Daycare chemotherapy: Those patients required short time chemotherapy schedule after
first cycle they are treated in daycare unit.
4. Palliative treatment: When chemotherapy response is not good or patients are coming with
very advanced stage then palliative treatment given.
5. Social service: Arrange different program like art competition, sports and cultural events
with active participation of children with cancer .
Our vision is not only to cure but also provide good quality of life to children and prevention of cancer in children in possible cases. Now overall survival rate of childhood cancer patients are 80-90% in developed countries. We believe in near future we will also be able to achieve such survival rate.

Departments Our Faculty

Dr. Ferdousi Begum

Head & Associate Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. Ferdousi Begum

Dr. Ashish Kumar Ghosh

Associate Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. Ashish Kumar Ghosh

Dr. Sabina Karim

Associate Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. Sabina Karim

Dr Mehnaz Akter

Associate Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr Mehnaz Akter

Dr. shahinoor Akter Soma

Assistant Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. shahinoor Akter Soma

Dr. Eshita Reza Khan

Assistant Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. Eshita Reza Khan

Dr. Farida Yeasmin

Assistant Professor

Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. Farida Yeasmin

Dr. Farah Akther


Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr. Farah Akther

Dr Shafiqul Islam Sumon


Department: Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

Dr Shafiqul Islam Sumon

Other Departments

Contact us

  • National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH)
  • Address: Mohakhali, TB Gate Road Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Phone: (+88)027913975, (+88)027914409
  • Fax: +88466554654
  • Email: info@nicrh.gov.bd
  • Website: www.nicrh.gov.bd