গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার

জাতীয় ক্যান্সার গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট ও হাসপাতাল


মহাখালী, ঢাকা-১২১২

Department of Transfusion Medicine Department

Transfusion Medicine Department

Transfusion Medicine Department

Department of Transfusion Medicine of National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital is playing a very essential role in management of the cancer patients attending this hospital, who needs blood transfusion in course of their treatment or who suffers blood cancer.  It is now located on the first floor of Block C, within a short period this department will be shifted to newly constructed D Block on 3rd floor.

This department, established in 2008, is concerned with safe and effective blood supply to patients admitted in this hospital and also by day care service and try to ensure rational use of blood by using specific component therapy. Laboratory tests needed in this purpose is also provided by the department.

Current activities:

  1. Academic:

Department of Transfusion Medicine is conducting different academic activities for the post graduate medical students and students of medical technology.  We facilitate learning through lectures, interactive discussions, and demonstration of laboratory procedures. Students are encouraged to perform laboratory procedures, phlebotomy, component preparation and apheresis under the guidance of our skilled personnel’s.

  1. Research programs:

Faculties of this department are actively performing research work, with the available limited recourses and have published articles in dignified journals.

  1. Laboratory facilities:

Blood grouping & cross matching, screening test for HBV, HCV, HIV, Malaria, Syphilis are routinely done here. Other serological tests related to transfusion medicine are performed if required.


  1. Donor service:

We provide a safe and comfortable donation experience to our valued donors to enhance donor retention. Donors are examined, counseled and motivated by doctors. Phlebotomy is done with strict aseptic precaution. Post donation screening and cross match is done to ensure safe transfusion.

  1. Patient service:

Whole blood and components (RCC, Apheretic platelet) are provided to admitted patients and also transfused to non admitted ambulant patients on day care basis.

  1. Social activity:

Voluntary blood donation programs are arranged by the department with the help of hospital administration on national significant days i.e. Independence Day, Victory Day, Birth and Death Anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. 

Human resource:

  1. Teaching Staff:

Department has one Associate professor and one Assistant professor posted. We are very lucky to be headed by renowned transfusionist Associate Professor Dr. Farhana Islam.

  1. Medical officers:

There are two medical officers in this department.

  1.  Technical staff:

We have two medical technologists.

  1. Outsourcing staff:

Our 3 supporting staffs are on outsourcing basis.

Our shortcomings:

We are aiming to remain open for 24 hours and we need more doctors and medical technologists for this. We also need some laboratory equipments for better service. Currently we are badly in need of a refrigerated centrifuge machine, an apheresis machine which is very essential for component therapy.

Future Plan:

We will be a part of Bone Marrow Transplant unit of this hospital. Irradiated blood and automated blood grouping are on its way to establishment.



Departments Our Faculty

Dr. Farhana Islam

Associate Professor

Department: Transfusion Medicine Department

Dr. Farhana Islam

Dr Hasiba Akhter Bhuiyan

Head & Assistant Professor

Department: Transfusion Medicine Department

Dr Hasiba Akhter Bhuiyan

Fantasir Md Shibly Al Amin

Medical Officer

Department: Transfusion Medicine Department

Fantasir Md Shibly Al Amin

Dr Tasia Sultana Rahman

Medical Officer

Department: Transfusion Medicine Department

Dr Tasia Sultana Rahman

Other Departments

Contact us

  • National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH)
  • Address: Mohakhali, TB Gate Road Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Phone: (+88)027913975, (+88)027914409
  • Fax: +88466554654
  • Email: info@nicrh.gov.bd
  • Website: www.nicrh.gov.bd